Certified Power Buyer

Instead of just getting a pre-approval...

Become a Certified Power Buyer

With this certification, your Turnkeys and Agents will know that you are fully prepared for your next investment.

Vertical Investments will work directly with you 

and perform the following:

  • Analysis of your ability to purchase as many properties as you can qualify for
  • Direct assistance to help you find inventory across the United States from our Real Estate Professional who participate
  • Fast-Track application processing and underwriting to ensure that your financing is ready when you are
  • Power Buyer Certification® so that a Seller knows that you are a qualified Buyer who is ready to close
  • Routine check-ins with you and the status of your Plan to ensure that you are on the best path possible for your next acquisition
  • Access to a private group within the Vertical Lending Community
  • Promotion that you are a Certified Power Buyer® to our partners who have inventory ready for you to purchase